Product Description
Gym Ball With Pump in Republic of Pakistan
Gym Ball With Pump
Gym ball with pump is AN excersice ball you'll do several excersice with it's 3 sizes.
Gym ball size designed to your waist size
Product Details
Stability Ball: Size: 30'' (75cm) / for people 6'2'' to 6'7''
Specifically target your abs, back and glutes
Strengthen and tone in an exceedingly new approach with constant resistance from each direction
Pump enclosed
Workout chart enclosed
Color: tomato red
Manufacturer's warrant Against Defects
Description and Features
With the JFit Stability Ball, you'll be able to specifically target your abs, back and glutes. Strengthen and tone your entire body
by operating your muscles in an exceedingly utterly new manner with constant resistance from each direction. the soundness ball is nice
for folks of all ages, and every one fitness levels. This product comes with a pump associated an exercise guide.
currently you'll be able to turn and find the specified form for your body with the gymnasium Ball
Gym Ball Price in Pakistan 1799/-PKR
Order Now 0300-4270983 0311-4270983
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